Lecture Journal Sustainable Manufacturing: Relation SDG with Environmental Problem, Sustainable Development Goal #16 Fact and Extra

by - February 24, 2017

                Actually I dont know how to start this. But, last week, in the class, a lecture by my favorit lecturer, Bu Maria Anityasari, has already opened my eyes to see a  new knowledge. In the class, we discussed about the environmentaal problem around us. The environmental problems are really vary. We have to remember that one issue may cause the other issues, and so on. So they make their own causal loop where the relation is exist.
                Before the class, we were assigned to draw a causal loop regarding the environmental problems and their causes. From the causal loop that we have already made for the class’s study guide, we can know that there is one most critical cause, because many environmental probems, are caused by that issue whether it is direct or indirect. The critical cause is population. The population issue has to be considered seriuosly, addresed immediately to prevent the domino effect from it.
                After that, we should analyze the causal loop and relate it with the Sustainable Development Goals. Which problems and causes are related with which SDG point 1-17.


                To recap the analysis, below is the table I have made contained environmental problems and its causes, SDG’s point related, and why does it related?
Environmental Problem
-          Water pollution: oil spills, urban runoff and ocean dumping
-          Air pollution: burning of fossil fuels, hydraulic fracturing and gases emitted by vehicles
-          Water and soil : industrial waste
14, 3, 15
Pollution problem and what make it happen are related with SDG goal 3,14, and 15 because if we do not pollute the water, air, land, etc, we so human will live sustain in the world , in the land, and also if there is no water pollution, animals or other ecosystem element in water and land can live normally.
Climate Change
-          ill effects of human actions responsible for disturbing and harmful out
-          global warming, greenhouse effect, urban heat, coal industry
In the goal 13, it is direcly stated that it is about climate action. I do agree with Leonardo Dcaprio that said that this is not a partisan debate; it is a human one. Clean air and water, and a liveable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is our moral obligation
Global Warming
-          greenhouse gases called carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor and other gases.
The same with climate change one
-          population growing at a rapid pace,
-          High demand for food, shelter and cloth
8, 9, 16
Deforestation, either direct or indirect, will affect the industry, innovation, and infrastructure. It is still a pro and contra whether deforestation is a must for the infrastructure improvement. However, it is also our responsibility to think about the next consequences of it, and moreover, the goverment must really think in strategical and integrated way of thinking to overcome it to make it sustain.
Acid Rain
-          Car or industrial processes
-          Erupting volcanoes,
-          Rotting vegetation and sea sprays that produce sulfur dioxide and fires, bacterial decomposition and lightening generate nitrogen dioxide.
-          Man-made sources which include combustion of fossil fuels which release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.
3, 11, 14, 15
The impact of acid rain is serious and will disrupt the balance of the system. For the example, in the land, will affect living thing’s health, in water also. Not only living things, many nonliving things that also suppory living thing’s continuity also disrupted. So, the community’s quality will be downgraded and the sustanable cities, area will be disrupted also.
Ozone Layer Depletion
-          human and industrial activity
-          excessive release of chlorine and bromine from man-made compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), halons, CH3CCl3 (Methyl chloroform), CCl4 (Carbon tetrachloride), HCFCs (hydro-chlorofluorocarbons), hydrobromofluorocarbons and methyl bromide
7, 13
It is the same with the climate change one
Natural Resource Depletion
-          Fossil fuel consumption results in emission of Greenhouse gases, which is responsible for
1,2, 7, 16
The depletion of natural resource will make it difficult to get proper  food material, proper equipment to process it, so, the price of the food and other daily needs are increase. It make people who do not have much money can not afford to buy and leqad to hunger. It is also related with poverty
Intensive farming
-          Overpopulation
-          Incresing demand of food, shelter and products
1, 2, 4
Farming is common thing in our society. Since, the aims of farming is direc or indirect is to overcome poverty and hunger problem. However, it need good education how to utilize it to make sustain and can reduce and eliminate bad impact because of intensive farming
Genetic  pollution
-          Genetic modification of food, human and animal organs ( genetic engineering )
-          the use of biotechnology
1,2 4
It also need good education for all level of society.
Land Degradation
-          Urban sprawl
-          Expansion of industrial areas
-          Overpopulation
The problem on land degradation also need strong institutions to overcome the problem. Because the nature of the cause is already happen such as mentioned in several ponts before. But, it also need institution’s control which should be credibe, trustable, with good peace and justice

After discussed the environmental problems and its relation with SDG point, the next topic we discussed is SDG point, we were asked which SDG point currently is a hot issue in Indonesia. There were little voting from all the class’s participant. From that, point that got the biggest vote is point 12, which is Responsible Consumption and Production, which got 12 out 19 students in the class, the second position is point 16 which is Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution. The least position is point 5, Gender Equality with 0 vote.
Talk about point 16, this is a point that draw my attention most also. But what is SDG point #16? Several picture-graph below I made to represent SDG #16  and some facts about it.

                Okay, those are some explanation and little journal about my third week lecture in Sustainable Manufacturing subject. Until here, I still thinkthat this is really an interesting topic and interesting to discussed about. I hope, until the last meeting, I can get all the knowledge and implement it everywhere, and whenever I am. Thank you for reading! Have a good day!

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