Lecture Journal #4: Relation between Surabaya's Governor Vision Missions with Sustainable Development Goals
Wednesday ( 1/3 ), we had a Sustainable Manufacturing class which started at 07.30 am. The class was conducted by Bu Maria Anityasari as usual. The prior task that must had been done before the class were :
- Develop a mapping between each SDGs with each mission, tujuan, sasaran, and program
- Evaluate whether all SDGs have been deployed in Surabaya’s tujuan, sasaran, and program. If not, evaluate and analyze which SDGs have not been deployed and why.
- 3. Evaluate which SDGs are more critical than others for Surabaya context. Explain the criticality criteria you use to conduct the evaluation.
Actually, those are week two's study guide, but for the point two and three, we were assigned to accomplish it in a group consist of maximum four students. For the point one, in week two, we already finished it individually but Bu Maria asked me to improve it together with our group.
In the class, we discussed about the topic. Bu Maria highlighted when we do the task, do not just linked the point of visi, misi, tujuan, sasaran with the SDGs, without do the further analysis why they are related.. So in the class, students have to improve their task with deeper analysis and also the output.
About Surabaya Governor Vision Mission
In this case, we will talk about Surabaya governor's vision, mission. Vision mission is a must thing for an organization to ease them while try to achieve the objectives. Let's take a look to the vision, mission, of Surabaya governor. Actually, it is not just until the vision mission, there are breakdown of it like tujuan, sasaran, narasi, target. For the complete file, you can read here
Vision :
Surabaya Kota Sentosa yang Berkarakter dan Berdaya Saing Global Berbasis Ekologi"
Mission :
( there are several missions, but I got only mission number two and seven to be reviewed )
2. Memberdayakan masyarakat dan menciptakan seluas-luasnya kesempatan berusaha
7. Mewujudkan
Surabaya sebagai pusat penghubung perdagangan dan jasa antar pulau dan internasional
Relation between Surabaya's Governor Vision Mission with Sustainable Development Goals
-Mission No. 2 is only concerned with 6 SDGs, the following is the proportion of each SDGs role in this mission.
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Graph 1 Percentage of Point SDG Related to the Mission Number 2 |
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Opinion :
Overall Opinion, Insight, and Conclusion
- Which become the critical mission (which become a concern and a priority in the execution) is the mission no 2 because if it seen from the statistical data, it is still not entirely satisfactory and mission No. 7 is more likely a supporting mission, even tought it also should not been overlooked, but still, the main problems in Surabaya are related to the mission no 2.
- In addition, the mission no 2 is more associated with the points on the SDGs. So, if the mission is achieved, then it will direct or indirectly will contribute to the successful implementation of global SDGs.
Suggestion :
In designing the vision, mission, until the indicator, governor should really refer to the elements of the SDGs as targets and indicators of the SDGs. So, the implementation of SDGs in Indonesia especially inSurabaya is not just normative, will be easy-to-tracking and controlled. Both from local and national governments, have a good tracking system for this topic.
Overall Opinion, Insight, and Conclusion
Many Parties either in Indonesia or in the World has Already Considering Environment in every Aspect of Life
From the lecture, I have an insight that many organizations, government in the central or local level, have already aware about the importance of linking all of our daily life aspect with the environmental aspect, and furthermore, with the concept of sustainability. The effect of increasing awareness of sustainability and environmental understanding is usually shown in the policies they made. For the example is Surabaya.
In Indonesia, People who Majoring in Environment or Sustainable Topic still Few
Bu Maria stated in the class that people who have special study in sustainability, sustainable manufacturing, environmental assessment, are still few especially in developing country like Indonesia. Every kind of field study has it own life cycle. If we draw it in a graph, the existence position of Sustainable Manufacturing in Indonesia can be seen below.
From the graph, we can know that this field of study still have a long way to go in its development in Indonesia. It is even still has not reach its peak level yet. So, it still have many potentials in the future.
Job Opportunity in Sustainable Area is High
So, continuing from point one and two, as people/ organization/ company/ governor is more understand about relation between daily life aspect with sustainability and environmental aspect, so the demand or the need of people who can assess the company/organization/government about the environmental/sustainability is also increasing. But, the current situation, as stated in point two, is still few. So, it will lead to availability of job opportunity in that area. It must have been a high demand of worker, right?
We as an Industrial Engineer have to Think in Systematic Way
"It is a must that industrial engineering student and graduate can think, state everything in systematical way". That kind of sentence is always stated by every lecture in Industrial Engineering ITS. The higher the level of my study, the more I can relate to that sentence. Because, a good problem solver is the one who can think systematically. What the systematic means? Systematic means that
having, showing, or involving a system, method, or plan ( dictionary.com ). It is also applied in Sustainable Manufacturing subject. In this subject, all things are connected and form a dynamic system. So, the competitive advantage is on the one who can analyse the things and make it systematic.