Green Energy and Disertation Review

by - March 11, 2017

Disertation Review :

Perumusan Strategi Pemasaran Produk MUSICOOL Berdasarkan Hasil Riset Pasar dan
Analisa Perilaku Konsumen dan Distributor
Hilma Martha Ayu dan Maria Anityasari
Jurusan Teknik Industri
Fakultas Teknik Industri
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya

     In this paper, the writer tried to formulate the marketing strategy of Musicool product based on market research results and analysis of distributor and consumer's behavior. Musicool itself, is an hydrocarbon refrigerant product produced by PT Pertamina UP II. Just for information just in case you still have not known it yet, refrigerant is a substance that flow through the cooling system, the function is to absorb the hot temperature and move it to the other place, so the temperature inside the system is lowered. While hydrocarbon is one of the several types of hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbon claimed to be the most "safe" refrigerant. Because some characteristics of hydrocarbon are it has zero ozone depletion potential rate, and does not have global warming potential.
   But when the paper was written back in 2010, the writer said that the Musicool that expected to be the alternative substance to replace the other more harmful refrigerant substance, still not famous yet. It was caused by several things.
   So, the writer made the research in order to formulate the marketing strategy to help PT Pertamina UP II Plaju reach its objective. What the writer has done are looking for respondent, classify the respondent, identifiy the factor that influences them, and then do the markov chain to see which facktor is more important, do the survey, etc. The distributor respondents were five distibutors in Surabaya
        Currently, it is known that four of five distributors are still exist. It is known from their website, The website is still active and still list the Musicool in their product list. One of them is still unknown whether it is still operating or not. Because the website cannot be found.
      In the current condition, when searched for the information on the internet, there is no many information available for Musicool, in the news column in Google, the last update is from September 2016 where it informed about the making Musicool's technician community in Kepulauan Riau.. The other information is, in 2015 Pertamina tried to introduce the Musicool to the retail store, when previously it was only for private parties. From the most update information, I still cannot find it. 

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